The Basics:
I was born, and raised, in Sterling, Colorado on a farm
I was raised in the church, but didn't really follow Christ in college. However, I returned whole heartedly after meeting Russel.
I'm a stay at home mom of 3 children, 2 of which are twins. This is my ultimate, and first calling from God. Although I love photography, and show excellence in every session, I strive to keep my family at a higher priority.
My children are hilarious.
My husband is a rock star... not literally, but in my world.
Since I was a child I have been behind a camera. I worked at a studio through high school learning the ins and outs of lighting, positioning and several other things. I will always be grateful to Kathy and Vicki for allowing me to apprentice under them!
I opened my business because of the multitude of people who told me I need to take pictures professionally after seeing images of my firstborn. Finally, when she was 8 months old I couldn't print at local printing places without a print release form, so I opened ALDP in April of 2011.
I have a heart for teachers, military and those in ministry. (They even get a discount! Ask me about it.)
Extra tidbits:
I showed pigs and steers in 4-H growing up.
I'm part of the CrossFit cult... only for the results.
My husband and I did all of our pre-marital stuff before we were engaged. That was one of the best things he pushed me do. Once you get engaged, everything is about the wedding, which is fine and dandy, but we wanted to be prepared for our marriage.
We planned our wedding in 3 months!
My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite flower is a daisy.
I'm a Pepsi girl.
And I love brownies.

Photo Credit: Kevin VonQualen at Deep the Forest